Captains Obvious

I grow so tired of some Christian leaders making the really obvious statement that Trump is not Jesus, Savior, Prophet, or Messiah.

Really? Duh! I don’t know anyone who thinks that. Is this just self-righteous virtue signaling? Trump is not perfect and no one thinks so. Obviously the Christians who support Trump do so because the alternative is horrifying. So, it seems the only sane thing to do is support the one who is for life vs abortion, religious liberty, the First and Second amendment, freedom, and capitalism. The alternative Socialist/Marxist/Communist Godless Democrat Party is actively trying to destroy all that. Seems like a no brainer!

Thinking that Trump is an answer to prayer and has given our Nation a reprieve from the evil we have been descending into, or that God is using unconventional Trump to that end, is not unreasonable. I have to say that they are really addressing a problem that largely doesn’t exist, and I have to question why? How does it benefit? What they are trying to accomplish? While they pretend that their motive is to warn Christians, I don’t think that is really it, because again they are addressing a problem that largely does not exist. I think instead that they just don’t like Trump and all this is really more of a backdoor way of bashing Trump and his supporters, all the while feeling superior about it. This appears to be nothing more than a straw man to give them an excuse to bash Trump, who they have disliked from the very beginning, and they can wrap their personal animosity in a Christian wrapper.

I’ve heard that Trump might be the anti-Christ, or that Jared Kushner is another possibility. What are they trying to accomplish with these tin foil hat theories? Draw attention to themselves? Is it just another avenue to indulge their dislike for Trump? Could it be they lack such discernment that they actually believe the propaganda constantly spewed by the media? It seems Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing, and it has apparently stolen their reason.

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