The Church For too Long Has Believed the Lie of the Separation of Church and State

Never has a lie been so widely spewed on the public or so generally accepted. The phrase “Separation of Church and State” appears nowhere in the Constitution or our founding documents. The phrase appears in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a constituent that was concerned that one particular Christian Denomination would be established as the National Church, over the other Christian Denominations, similar to the State established Church of England. Jefferson stated that this could not happen as the establishment clause of the 1ST Amendment would prevent it. That there was a wall of separation between church and state that would prevent the National Government from establishing a National Church. That’s it!

Activist Judges have through the years turned the Establishment Clause on its head, invented notions that appear nowhere in the Constitution, and now use it regularly to interfere and shut down any religious expression that they find personally objectionable. The early Colonial Churches were very active in politics and profoundly affected the formation of our Nation, so the whole idea that the Founders intended to muzzle the Christian Church is preposterous. Adding one lie upon another the Johnson Amendment authored by then Senator Lyndon B Johnson in 1954 further built upon the work of activist Judges and further promoted this lie to further muzzle Christian Churches. The Johnson Amendment prohibits all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. The Democrats for years have routinely violated the Johnson Amendment without receiving any government sanction. Currently President Trump has suspended the enforcement of the Johnson Amendment.

The Christian Church should again take its rightful place as the conscience of the Nation. Christians have every right and obligation to influence the course of our Nation. We see all around us the crop of havoc and destruction that Godless Secularism has sown into our culture. This has come about by a sleeping and fearful Church that has been intimated and allowed itself to be muzzled by lies and intimidation. This is beginning to change as all decent people look around and see the destruction wrought upon our Country by all the Godless powers that have run amuck, mostly unopposed, for so many years. The early Church ran the risk of losing everything, even their lives, in standing up for the things of God against the Godless secular authorities. All the secular authorities had to do in America was threaten to take away the Church’s tax exempt status to shut them up! Now, even that threat has been removed by President Trump.

Wake up Church and remember that we are called to be Christian Soldiers Marching as to War!

Lee Hiatt

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