Does “Black Lives Matter” Care About Black Lives?

The short answer is no. They do not care about the millions of Black babies slaughtered in the womb. They do not care about the thousands of Black people murdered and victimized by other Blacks everyday in our large cities. They do “supposedly” care about a very specific type of Black Life, that is any Black who is killed by a white Law Enforcement Officer. But do they even really care about that life beyond what that life can do to advance their agenda and increase their power? Again, sadly, no!

The BLM organization, along with Antifa, are radical Marxist revolutionaries, engaged in a treasonous insurrection with the purpose of tearing down our system of government and replacing it with their Marxist/Communist “utopia”. This is an old story, you only have to look to Valenzuela to see the most recent fruit of this ideology. They care nothing about George Floyd, or any other Black life, they are only excuses, convenient vehicles for now, to give their violent treasonous insurrection a veil of moral righteous, but it is all a lie.

The foot soldiers on the ground causing all the destruction are a combination of the duped (what Lenin called useful idiots), the mentally unstable, and outright criminals and thugs, using the cover of the demonstrations and rioting to be what they are, criminals and thugs. However, the money and the organizations pulling the strings, the puppeteers, are much more nefarious. Behind the scenes the enemies of America fund, organize, and equip the foot soldiers. America’s enemies, who could never prevail in a conventional war, are instead warring against America from within, hoping to topple all law and order, the bedrock of any civilization. Defund the Police? Abolish the Police? You have to be an idiot not to see through that! The modern Democrat Party, which bears no resemblance to the party of JFK, has been completely taken over by the Marxists, and is leading the charge. Aided and abetted by a compliant and complicit media. If America falls, the World falls, which is their ultimate end game.

The Globalists, pinning for a One World Government that they can rule over, have been planning this for a very long time. The recent pushback by the election of Trump and the UK leaving the European Union have unhinged the Globalists and they are pulling out all the stops, and in desperation accelerating their vile plans. America is under attack on many fronts, this is only one. It’s going to get wilder and wilder as we approach the most important election of our life time.

These are perilous times for our Nation. Wake up America! Fight Back America! Or the America we know may cease to exist!


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