The Rotten Planks of the Democrat Party Platform

I would start out by saying that the Republican Party is by no means perfect, and some Republicans should just be honest and change their Party affiliation, but the Republican Platform is still the polar opposite of the Democrat Party. The Party of JFK is dead, taken over by Far-Left Ungodly Marxists. There is a clear difference and a clear choice, as never before.

The first plank, the Holy Grail of the Democrat Party, is the murderous ideology that anyone for any reason, at any time, can murder their unborn child right up to the minute of delivery as in partial birth abortion, or even after delivery as Governor Northam of Virginia declared. In practice after birth abortion, letting the baby die a cruel unattended death who had survived the original abortion, is common. For anyone with a semblance of a moral compass, all this is called murder. Murder of the most innocent. Yet this is promoted, advocated, and celebrated by the Democrat Party. I can’t imagine anything more depraved. It is a dark soul that can promote and champion this barbarous, foul, and savage deed. Those that advocate, promote, and celebrate the murder of the most innocent are void of morality and are capable of anything.

The next plank of the Democrat Party is the promoting and advocating for sexual debauchery that any sick and twisted mind can dream up. Homosexual marriage, transgenderism, pedophilia, multiple genders, fluid genders, pick you own gender, etc., etc. The Democrat Party is the home and promoter of sexual insanity that would make Sodom and Gomorrah blush. I have seen these perversions go from being called deviancy and perversion to being celebrated in my lifetime. The Democrat Party is the flag bearer for this madness, with Hollywood, and the media in general, being their propaganda arm to spread this evil. What World will your children and grandchildren live in if the Democrat Party is successful in their attempt to flood our culture with this rot, and force you to accept it? They have already made great strides in doing this, but they will do much more if they can.

These first two planks of the Democrat Party should prohibit anyone with even a part of their conscience left, from supporting the Party that promotes these things. The Democrat party cloaks their evil in high sounding words like love and tolerance; but practice intolerance, sexual debauchery, lawlessness, and murder.

Anyone who thinks they are a Christian, and supports this evil, deludes themselves and anyone they influence. Any so-called Christian who approves and promotes these evils has never read their Bible, do not care what the Bible says, or both. Which leaves them to create their own theology to their own liking, which they have done. Without the anchor of the Bible they are free to dream up anything that suits them, anything that excuses or justifies evil, and remake God in their own image.

The third plank of the Democrat Party is becoming more and more evident as they promote and provide cover for unbridled lawlessness. They call BLM and Antifa social justice warriors, with legitimate grievances, what a lie! These groups are the agents of insurrection and anarchism, utilizing whatever excuses are available at the moment to justify their Marxist Revolution. Threatening anyone who will not bow down to them. We have seen these lies and actions before, you only need to look as far as Cuba and Valenzuela. Marxist, Communist, Socialist, they are all cut from the same cloth and lead to the same end, misery, tyranny, and death. They are just being played out to a new bunch of suckers that don’t know their history, and have been thoroughly indoctrinated by our University Systems, and our Public Education System.

These are just three planks of the Democrat platform, that should keep anyone with any common sense, and any moral compass from supporting. I could go on about their outlandish attacks on the First Amendment under the guise of public safety, the constant attacks and erosion of the Second Amendment, their constant attack on the Family, the relentless attacks on traditional American values and anything decent, and their constant allegiance to Globalists interests instead of America. If you want a Country governed by Globalist elites instead of a sovereign America, without God, without Law, without compassion, without decency, without mercy, without morality, then the Democrat party is for you. If you hold to decency, morality, American traditions founded on Judeo-Christian principles handed down to us by the patriots of previous generations, then fight. Fight for liberty, fight for your freedom. Our freedoms and our American values are under an unprecedented vicious assault. The freedoms that we enjoy are a rare thing in this world. These freedoms that have been defended with the blood of those that came before us, require defending again, or we will lose what makes America great, and reduce America to the cesspool of totalitarianism that much of the World suffers under. If we lose America, there is no place left to go!

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”- Ronald Reagan


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