The Covid Cult

Yes, the newest religion is the Covid cult. The two high sacraments of the Cult is the wearing of the mask and the keeping of the distance from any other human being.  These two sacraments are to be adhered to no matter how absurd, contradictory, or facts to the contrary. The two sacraments, coupled with lockdowns of small businesses, churches, sporting events, movie theatres, funerals, and family events, will protect you from the dreaded virus. These sacraments must be performed ritually, without question, and with a one size fits all approach. Large Corporate donors are friendly to the Cult and are considered exempt from much of the Clergy’s edicts, i.e. Walmart and Costco are open while Churches and small businesses are shut down. Rioting and looting are of course exempt from these mandates as they are considered sacred practices to be protected.

The High Priests of the Covid Cult are of course exempt from all their own dictates, and do pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want, because they can. Are they just rank hypocrites or do they know that the Covid is not really as deadly as they profess it to be? This Priestly order is composed of the ruling class of politicians, petty dictators, and the Media. They are not only exempt from their own edicts, but their edicts can be changed at will whenever they see fit, and are not required to make any sense to the subjects, and can be completely contradictory of their former edicts. These High Priests can impose their edicts at will, modify their edicts at will, and lift their edicts at will if the subjects behave in a way that pleases the Clergy of the Cult. As long as they keep repeating the mantra that they are following the science, they can make up and impose completely unscientific tenets to the Cult, and are therefore to be exempt from criticism. Anyone who questions the High Priests is considered rude, hatful, and a danger to the members of the Cult. No matter how absurd, self-serving, and contradictory the edicts are of the High Priests are you must never think for yourself or question the High Priests, this is considered blasphemy. Members of the Cult have been known to attack non members of the Cult for not obeying the tenets of the Cult, especially non members of the Cult who do not participate in the wearing of the mask.

All rights that you formerly enjoyed or thought were protected are to be suspended indefinitely until the High Priests say otherwise, which is not in their best interest to do so, as that would diminish their power and standing in the Cult.

The Cult uses constant fear to motivate and keep the members loyal to the Cult. The Cult calls everything Covid related whether it is or not. Evidently the more you test people for the virus the more cases you get. Members of the Cult are not supposed to notice this. These tests only tell the members that they don’t have the Covid today! What about tomorrow, next week? Can the Cult keep testing the same people? Even after all the contradictions and hypocrisy exhibited by the Cult, the Cult members still line up for hours to get tested, and they aren’t even sick! If that is not blind obedience to the Cult, I don’t know what is!

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