Sad Old Has-Beens

The old has-beens are literally coming out of the woodwork to jump on the I hate Joe Rogan band wagon. Threatening to pull their old music that nobody listens to anymore from Spotify. So far Spotify has chosen to keep huge moneymaker Joe Rogan and pass on the sniveling of the no moneymaker has-beens.

The has-beens can take this absurd stand and it costs them nothing. In their twisted minds they think of themselves as culture heroes, but in reality, they are just sad old has-beens looking for attention. It takes zero courage to take a stand that the media and all your peers will fawn all over you for. They obviously crave attention and relevancy, but is there more to it than that?

I speculate that this is how they fool themselves and others into thinking they are virtuous people. It costs them absolutely nothing to rave about imagined ills. It is a salve to their conscience and makes them feel that they are virtuous good people, even though sometimes their conscience may be telling them something quite different. This illusion they have of themselves needs constant feeding and propping up. It is a fragile house of cards that needs constant attention least it collapses altogether, as do all lies and self-delusions.

As Laura Ingraham once said “Shut Up and Sing”, I personally would wish for “Just Shut Up”!

Lee Hiatt~Fight Back America

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