“Misinformation”, The Latest Group Think Slogan

The current Biden Administration and Democrats in general, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Media are so bankrupt of valid arguments for all that they are foisting on the public, all they can do is try and censor anyone with a different opinion, anyone that disagrees with them, and dissent of any kind. The latest dumb downed slogan to this end is “Misinformation”. Just label anything you don’t want to hear as Misinformation. It sounds so much better than just telling everyone you disagree with to shut up, and much more adult than putting your hands over your ears and shouting la, la, la, la, repeatedly.

The fact that this transparent silly slogan gets any traction is a testament to how dumbed down the general public is. Mostly due to the public education system and the media, the general public buys off on a great deal of this groupthink drivel, and apparently does not have a clue that they are constantly being manipulated. In bygone days such an obvious attempt at censorship would have been howled down by the populace, but many today just swallow this Orwellian brew with nary a blink. Bumper sticker rule by the elites to a mass of willing surfs.

Throughout all of history, all Tyrants fear and hate free speech. Tyrants have always tried to silence any speech that threatened their power. That is why Free Speech is enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution. It is tragic that so much of the populace does not value this treasure, and will swap it for comfort and false security. Much like Esau, many Americans do not value their birthright, the Freedom that has been handed them, and have traded it for a bowl of stew. Now anything the tyrants don’t like is labeled misinformation, hate speech, and anything else that will intimidate people into silence, and as always claim it is for the public good. Turns out all you had to do to steal freedom is to scare people with a virus, and most willingly traded their liberty for security, and the security they traded for is itself false.

America is a unique Nation founded on Liberty and Freedom. Our Founding Fathers enshrined this revolutionary idea of a government by the people in the Constitution and the Declaration of independence. Is it any wonder that the enemies within are trying to tear down the heritage and history of America?

America’s enemies, foreign and within, wish to destroy what is America and turn our land into just another wasteland where the few elite rule over the masses, which has been the history of the world prior to America.

Tyrants want absolute rule, and to rule absolutely. They never sleep and are never satisfied. Power is a lust that consumes them. You cannot appeal to their better nature, because they do not have one. Resistance is the only weapon against tyrants, and always has been.

The cowardly will display their compliance and call it virtue, it takes absolutely no courage to comply. The brave will stand against the tyrants for they value freedom more than submission, and Liberty over the favor of rulers.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know notwhat course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”-Patrick Henry

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”-Ronald Reagan

Lee Hiatt-Fight Back America

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