Celebrity Virtue Signaling

What is behind the constant celebrity virtue signaling? Most people on the Left engage in this tedious behavior, particularly Democrat politicians, but the celebrity class take it to new nauseous hypocritical heights.

They virtue signal about saving the planet and eliminating fossil fuels, but fly around in their gas guzzling private airplanes, or caravan in the largest SUVs available, or cruise in their luxurious yachts. They live in mansions that take up more space and use up more gas and electricity than dozens of the homes regular folks live in. They bellow about the whales, or the chickens, or polar bears, or some obscure fish or rodent, but are just fine with the endless slaughter of tiny children in and outside of their mother’s womb. They never practice what they preach, but are very seldom called on it by the media. They rave unhinged about Trump’s past sins, but are never called on their decadent lifestyles or checkered pasts. Usually, the more decadent the particular celebrity is the more they are compelled to engage in this. I could go on and on, but you get the point. Since these celebrities live in such glass houses, why do they constantly need to signal their imagined virtue to the world every chance they get?

Because this is how they fool themselves and others into thinking they are virtuous people. It costs them absolutely nothing to rave about all these mostly imagined ills. They are lauded as brave heroes by their peers and the media that live in the same fantasy bubble they live in. It is a salve to their conscience and makes them feel that they are virtuous good people, even though sometimes their conscience may be telling them something quite different. This illusion they have of themselves needs constant feeding and propping up. It is a fragile house of cards that needs constant attention least it collapses altogether, as do all lies and self-delusions.

Some are just old has-beens looking for attention and trying to remain relevant. If you are an old irrelevant actor way past your prime, and are vocal about your hated for Trump, you are guaranteed a spot on “The View”.

Lee Hiatt

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