God Gave Them Over to a Depraved Mind

“Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” Romans 1:28 NIV

God gave them over to a depraved mind. Boy, doesn’t that describe exactly what is going on in the culture right now. What else can explain the sheer madness that has taken over? The flood gates were opened with the final surrender of the culture to the radical Homosexual activism. Then the insane normalization of transgenderism followed. The complete insanity of multi genderism we are currently suffering under was right on its heels. This same bunch of deviants are slowly normalizing pedophilia right in front of our faces. I can’t even keep up with the letters they keep adding to the LGBT alphabet.

Unless you are insane yourself, you realize this is madness. But, the tiny percentage of the population that buy into this insanity have everyone else cowed by their violent reaction to anyone who disagrees with them. The tiny minority bullying the majority into compliance. So all the sane people have to pretend to go along with the insane bullies, and pretend that all this is just perfectly natural, progressive, and enlightened. Most Churches have either surrendered outright to the madness, or have practically surrendered by keeping their mouths shut.

In much of Europe, including the UK, you can get arrested for saying what I’m saying in this article. Canada has hate speech laws that can land you in jail for pointing out what is obviously madness. The LGBT bullies can make life very difficult in this country if you run a business, or work for a company that has been shamed into submission, but the Government has not started arresting people yet for utilizing their First Amendment rights, not yet anyway. The public school system has degenerated into the mouth piece of the LGBT Gestapo. Hollywood and the Media push this depravity on us and our children at every turn. And if you don’t play along with the delusion, you are branded a hater, a bigot, etc., etc. That YOU suffer from homophobia, transphobia, or genderphobia (yes these are real words). This is of course is precisely designed to give these delusions an air of scientific credibility and at the same time shut you up.

If you believe in the God of the Bible, then you must acknowledge that there is a spiritual realm opposed to God. If this current depravity isn’t demonic, I don’t know what is. The large majority of “The Christian Church” has vacated their responsibility to stand against such evil and have either gone totally apostate, or have just hunkered down and kept their mouths shut, content to play church.

God made man and women, that’s It! Two genders! God made man and woman to be fruitful and multiply, and bring Godly offspring into this world, that’s it! Sexual relationships between a husband and his wife have the added benefit of the two becoming one flesh in a Godly mystical union. Everything else is a perversion. A perversion of God’s plan.

Coming under the judgement of God is the natural result of rejecting God and His Word. I hope that it is not irreversible. I pray that it is not. I pray that God will have mercy on us, and not give us what we deserve!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Lee Hiatt @Fight-Back-America.com

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