Is Liberty in America Just an Illusion?

It is so very tiresome that the Government and the Media keep braying out these ludicrous bumper sticker slogans, #stayathome, #saferathome, etc. etc. etc. You see this ad nauseam on the boob tube, social media, and any format that can be dreamt of, and many seem to be totally buying into it. A better hashtag would be #obey, #dowhatyouaretold, #neverquestion, #neverchallenge, #shutupandobey.

I am astounded how willing much of the public is to throwing away their liberties so easily. All the Media and the Government had to do was scare them with a virus. If your liberties are only good until the Government decides that they aren’t, then liberty is just an illusion, and the Government can tell you when you have it and when you don’t. That your liberties are conditional, depending on what the Government says at the time. This is the exact opposite of liberty! History teaches us that would be tyrants often use public safety as the ruse to seize power. That they are putting the populace under their thumb for their own good.

Never mind that the models used as the excuse to terminate civil liberties were wildly wrong and have been almost totally discredited. Never mind that lethality of the virus was totally overblown. Never mind that the whole shutdown was originally intended to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. Yeah, that never happened either. The powers to be are telling us that the mitigation is working rather than admitting that the whole thing was built on a rotten foundation.

None of this matters, just #Shutupandobey. The smug and the self-righteous can sit at home and look down on those who aren’t buying this. That those that want and need to go back to work, and those that still value liberty, don’t care about others.

I propose that it is the #stayathome promoters who are the ones that don’t care! It seems that none of these folks give a hoot about all the small business that are folding, or all the people that can’t work from home, and now can’t pay their rent or mortgage, or can’t put food on the table. And don’t think for a moment that all these Government bailouts are working, and that working people aren’t suffering, because they are! Why do you think that all these folks are taking to the streets? Because they are suffering! And there also some people who still value liberty!

Sure, the virus warrants being taken seriously and that reasonable precautions should be taken. But that does not mean you can just terminate the liberties guaranteed in the Constitution based on anything that the Government deems serious enough to do so. The premise of all our Founding Documents is that these rights come from God, not the Government, and that the Government cannot take them away whenever they deem it is necessary, or are doing so for our own good.

The virus is not causing these hardships, the Government is! A lapdog media rather than a watchdog media is busy promoting the hysteria that supposedly justifies all this. And you can bet the Blue State Governors are not turning loose of their new found power any time soon. As long as they and their complicit media can keep the hysteria alive, they will use this crisis to be the little dictators they have always dreamed of.

All the destruction to the economy, all the hardship being poured upon small business and working people, and the devastation brought down upon are liberties is a cure much worse than any disease!

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”— Benjamin Franklin 

Lee Hiatt at

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