The Old Paganism

As Solomon stated in the Book of Ecclesiastes, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecc 1:9

The Progressives keep telling us they are blazing a new trail into a brave new world. They preach rights without duty, freedom without virtue, and pleasure without responsibility. There is absolutely nothing new about this brave new world. It’s just the old paganism with a new facelift. The old hedonism that installs pleasure as its god. They would supplant God Almighty and put Man of the throne and worship the State.

All around us we see the fruit of their brave new world. Rampant sexual perversion and immorality. Out of control lawlessness. The wanton murder of the most vulnerable, the slaughter of children inside and outside of their mother’s womb. We see self and pleasure exalted above everything else.

How did this happen? Much of the blame falls at the feet of the Christian Church. Rather than being Salt and Light, they have become men pleasers. Instead of standing against the decadent culture they instead made friends with it. There is definitely more power, prestige, and money in accommodating the culture. They decided to preach a different gospel, a gospel of having your best life now, a self-empowerment gospel, a prosperity gospel, or the Marxist gospel of “social justice”. They preach a soft watered down gospel that leaves out anything controversial. They avoid Scripture that stands in direct contradiction to the prevailing sinfulness of the culture, and do it in the name of love. They’ve opted for money and lavish lifestyles, having large buildings and large followings, over standing against evil. They have found that there is much profit in entertaining the goats. Cowards that lay down with the culture rather than stand against it. To be friends with the world system is to make yourself the enemy of God. There are of course exceptions to this, the faithful Church who still proclaim the unfiltered Word of God, but they are very much in the minority.

If the Christian Church will not stand against the evils of our time, who will? Good and Evil as defined in the Word of God, not in their vain imaginations. The Church, who should be the conscience of the Nation, has been mostly silent as our culture throws off all Biblical mores that have influenced our Nation since its inception. The Church has been content to play Church rather than engaging in the battle. Even though not all Americans are Christians, the Christian influence has until recent times acted as a restraint to the baser instincts of man. While all were not Christian, all were living in a Nation that was heavily influenced by Christian morals and mores. We as a Nation have all but lost this, and are hurling back into the darkness, back into paganism, barbarism, and hedonism. Although the progressives try and tell us we are progressing, we are actually going back into the darkness that is the natural result of men’s hearts being inherently wicked and unrestrained by the Light of God. What is peddled as freedom is nothing more than the old paganism. The Bible aptly tells us there is nothing new under the Sun.

Lee Hiatt

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