“Misinformation”, The Latest Group Think Slogan

The current Biden Administration and Democrats in general, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Media are so bankrupt of valid arguments for all that they are foisting on the public, all they can do is try and censor anyone with a different opinion, anyone that disagrees with them, and dissent of any kind. The latestContinue reading ““Misinformation”, The Latest Group Think Slogan”

Judge Not? What Does the Bible Really Say

I wish I had a dime for all the times I’ve heard the below Scriptures used out of context and misinterpreted by the enemies of Christianity and the Biblically illiterate to promote the ludicrous idea that as Christians you cannot speak out against sin and evil. With some people it seems that these two ScripturesContinue reading “Judge Not? What Does the Bible Really Say”

The Rotten Planks of the Democrat Party Platform

I would start out by saying that the Republican Party is by no means perfect, and some Republicans should just be honest and change their Party affiliation, but the Republican Platform is still the polar opposite of the Democrat Party. The Party of JFK is dead, taken over by Far-Left Ungodly Marxists. There is aContinue reading “The Rotten Planks of the Democrat Party Platform”

Does “Black Lives Matter” Care About Black Lives?

The short answer is no. They do not care about the millions of Black babies slaughtered in the womb. They do not care about the thousands of Black people murdered and victimized by other Blacks everyday in our large cities. They do “supposedly” care about a very specific type of Black Life, that is anyContinue reading “Does “Black Lives Matter” Care About Black Lives?”

Is Liberty in America Just an Illusion?

It is so very tiresome that the Government and the Media keep braying out these ludicrous bumper sticker slogans, #stayathome, #saferathome, etc. etc. etc. You see this ad nauseam on the boob tube, social media, and any format that can be dreamt of, and many seem to be totally buying into it. A better hashtagContinue reading “Is Liberty in America Just an Illusion?”

God Gave Them Over to a Depraved Mind

“Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” Romans 1:28 NIV God gave them over to a depraved mind. Boy, doesn’t that describe exactly what is going on inContinue reading “God Gave Them Over to a Depraved Mind”

Celebrity Virtue Signaling

What is behind the constant celebrity virtue signaling? Most people on the Left engage in this tedious behavior, particularly Democrat politicians, but the celebrity class take it to new nauseous hypocritical heights. They virtue signal about saving the planet and eliminating fossil fuels, but fly around in their gas guzzling private airplanes, or caravan inContinue reading “Celebrity Virtue Signaling”

The Church For too Long Has Believed the Lie of the Separation of Church and State

Never has a lie been so widely spewed on the public or so generally accepted. The phrase “Separation of Church and State” appears nowhere in the Constitution or our founding documents. The phrase appears in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a constituent that was concerned that one particular Christian Denomination would be establishedContinue reading “The Church For too Long Has Believed the Lie of the Separation of Church and State”

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? We have been so soaked in the constant indoctrination on this subject for so long, the Word of God appears foreign, as if it could not mean what it says. Between the media’s constant barrage to normalize this perversion, and the lack of outrage from the Church inContinue reading “What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality”